The projects concluded/in progress/launched till 2021 at regional, national, and international level – through at least one member of the Center connected to the research areas characterizing the CTIF – are summarized below:
- DETAILS: project aimed at developing a low-cost, transportable microwave diagnostic imaging system for the detection of stroke – funded by the Lazio Region as part of the Public Notice “Research group projects – Knowledge and cooperation for a new development model “. The project is currently underway. The contact person for the project is Prof. Marina Ruggeri;
- Spin-off RadioPoints srl: Spin-off winner of a Pre-Seed call from the Lazio Region (18-07-2017). The Spin-off was established in January 2020 and registered with the Rome Chamber of Commerce. The contact person for the project is Prof. Ernestina Cianca.
- TESEI: The aim of the project is to create an EGNSS user terminal capable of increasing the integrity of the data. The CTIF is responsible for testing and optimizing the beam-forming algorithms. This project has been funded by the Italian Space Agency, it started in 2015 and is currently underway. The contact person for the project is Prof. Ernestina Cianca.
- Smart Mice Platform: The aim of the project is to offer an integrated Digital Platform for the Services of the Convention Bureau of Rome and Lazio. The project has been funded with POR FESR 2014-2020. The project is still ongoing. Scientific director for the University of “Tor Vergata” is Prof. Paola Paniccia;
- LO.DI.NET: The aim of this project is creating a new model of sustainable and integrated territorial development at the level of the tourism supply chain through a digital platform. The project concerns the Castelli Romani and Tuscia area and can be replicated in many other regional and national contexts. The project was funded in early 2019 and is still ongoing. The scientific director for the University of “Tor Vergata” is Prof. Paola Paniccia;
- ADG H2020: The project relates with the common core of European Administrative Law. The coordination of third beneficiary units in the project was assumed in September 2018 by Prof. Martina Conticelli (belonging to the Center) and the P.I. is Prof. Giacinto della Cananea.
- JM Network: The project regards The Academic Research Network on Agencification of EU Executive Governance 2015-2018. The contact persons for the project are Prof. Martina Conticelli and Prof. Maurizia De Bellis.
- VESPA Spectrometer (Vibrational Excitation Spectrometer with Pyrolytic-graphite Analyzers) at ESS (European Spallation Source): The project aims at designing and constructing the VESPA spectrometer. The contact person for the project is: Prof. R. Senesi.
- Strategic Plan for Tourism in Rome: The project aimed at the sustainable development of tourism in the city of Rome. The contact person for this project was Prof. P. Paniccia. The project ended with the presentation of the “Strategic plan for tourism in Rome 2020-2025” at the Nuvola Convention Center, Rome.
- T.T. Third Mission: The project has the aim to increase the intensity of the flows of technology transfer towards the business system. It was refinanced in 2020 under the 2019 MISE Call “for the financing of projects for the enhancement and capacity building of the Technology Transfer Offices (UTT) of Italian universities, Italian public research bodies (EPR) and of scientific hospitalization and care institutes (IRCCS)”. Scientific coordinator is Prof. P. Paniccia.
- My home please!: The project is aimed at designing microarchitectures at the service of weak communities, with innovative technologies and sustainable experimental materials, funded through Crow Funding, sponsored by the Leroy Merlin company and the Community of Sant’Egidio. The project is enhanced by two industrial patents filed by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and was the winner of Start Cup Lazio 2019. The project manager is Prof. Antonella Falzetti.
- Horizon 2020 Project “InnEO Space PhD”: Open Science Innovation in PhD program through Earth Observation: towards new career skills development – Bando EU H2020-SwafS-2018-2020 (Science with and for Society) – Scientific director “Tor Vergata” Prof Fabio Del Frate
- ARKHA (Archeology of the invisible: unveiling the grave-goods of KHA): The project has the objective of the non- destructive and non-invasive characterization of the grave-goods of Kha and Merit via the integrated use of light and neutron techniques. The project is currently underway. Co-Coordinator: Prof. Carla Andreani.
- SAVE-CARE: The project deal with an Automatic System for Verification and Control of Environments with detection of the density of people and body temperature. It was financed by Lazio Innova. Contact person for this project is Prof. Mauro De Sanctis
- R.O.M.A .: The project aimed at the establishment of a Digital Innovation Hub based on the MISE public notice for the pre-selection of digital innovation hubs referred to in the directorial decree of 17/8/2020. The project, which sees the participation of the University through the CTIF, was presented on 24 September 2020 by Teconopolo SpA (Lead Partner) and passed the national preselection (MISE communication of 23.12.2020) for participation in the European restricted call. for the establishment of the European Digital Innovation Hubs-EDIH as part of the Digital Europe Program. The contact person for the project is Prof. Paola Paniccia.